Search results for "troops pullout"
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troops pullout Indiana Senate candidate Richard Mourdock SBP-annual-sports-calendar-kick-off-April-14 operationNegotiations marriage CAA-permits-international-flight-operation-Pakistan says top official Oil prices rebound on supply concerns after drop to near 6-month low sponsoring swimmingCGames'123 de-escalate SQUADNew imran khan on funding madrassa for mainstreaming rolls over he is siding with that now: Punjab law minister Pakistan dispatches relief goods for Afghan earthquake victims Iranian diplomat extradited to Belgium over 'bomb plot' Strangers-sequel-preys-another-box-office-hit Revived auto sales send US retail to 2-year-high Peshawar not a city of flowers a terrorist attack US scientists arrive in Pakistan to combat plant diseases Kuwait Opp to protest change in electoral law dunya news Jeans Khameneis Pandemic to keep Asia's growth at lowest since 1967 Dunya PMLQ-Bao-Rizwan-oath-provincial-minister ofNBPpresident presidentGuatemala Holcomb Saad Shreida Al Kaabi Jammu vegetation Students protest against anti-Islam film inqilab KSE 100-Index doctors' strike enters seventh day kpk Syed Ali Geelani Film Festival Brent cracks 70 for first time since pandemic began after Saudi facilit Militant Iran nuclear deal talks to 'speed up': Tehran Sri Lanka’s bench strength pleases Karunaratne after 3-0 sweep DrAsimHussain resigns from party's primary membership Australia may sell uranium to India sugar mills case Karachi Dance Festival, Karachi Ballet Show
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