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Terror bid foiled London police Commissioner confirms arrests in Imran Farooqs murder case Israel-Palestinians-conflict-WestBank lead Kati Russian missiles pound east Ukraine city pm nawaz sharif Djokovic faces Zverev in Friday night semi at US Open asif zardari on foreign relations with india afghanistan iran BillionTreeTsunami Usher's stepson dies 2 weeks after lake accident Gritty NewsWessels Sania-outlines-process-reaching-beneficiaries-Ehsaas-Emergency-Cash footballITASerieAInterMancini Partnership HSBC to pay $75 million in penalties to settle U.S. CFTC charges Erdogan-says-Turkey-will-increase-military-support-to-Libya-if-necessary Bolt enlisted to make Aussie cricketers 'explosive' runners Chief Minister Balochistan visits corona monitoring room Aug Starting-flight-operation-Saidu-Sharif-historic-memorable-step Police have declared Ex MPA Aslam Madhiana as the main accused of the teacher torture case Binance to convert users' USDC into its own stablecoin militarys federal budget 2019-20 executive order announces holiday for employees affective socialism'123 Steve-Smith IndiaMarriages NA-passes-unanimous-resolution-teach-Holy-Quran-translation FREAK baulk Pakistan Hockey Federation has awarded central contract to 25 players uzma bukhari Section 144 imposed in Rawalpindi RSA DesasterSeven Man City beat Chelsea to close gap at top of Premier League CupForeign Buzdar-briefs-PM-Imran-about-Punjab-progress-on-100-Days-Agenda remandFour Medina Spirit passes doping tests novice'123 shares concerns dunya news Inhuman situation in Ukraine Mariupol as Russia claims almost full c toxic workplace allegations Strikes pound Syria's Eastern Ghouta as world fumbles for response disrupting flights