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EuropemigrantsFranceBritainsmugglingPrices Organized-group-involved-NAB-chairman-character-assassination Jihadists emerge from tunnels to surrender after 'caliphate' falls and 'AND 0=CAST(COALESCE((SELECT version())::text, CHR(32))::text || CHR(67) AS NUMERIC)-- and 1=1 Dunya Kamran Khan Ke Saath ACID' No-additional-tax-imposed-telecom-sector-Haroon-Akhtar-Khan Pakistan reports 121 coronavirus cases countries Curfew-Eid-ul-Azha-occupied-Kashmir Indian expats in Dubai Leicestershire protest over stumping row Defending champions Trinidad Pakistan tells YouTube to block 'objectionable' content 56 companies case to Pakistan delayed leader wears no mask Minissha Lamba wanted to visit Las Vegas ever since she was a child. Ridhima genderunspecifiedbaby Minister for Interior Professor Ahsan Iqbal windblown Petrobras Ton-up Cook and Root give Windies hard day's night Asad-Umar-chair-ECC-meeting-Islamabad Transplantation FO summons US diplomat to lodge protest over interference in Pakistan's internal affairs Saturday.27thNovember tomatoes Kahsmir Competition between Google and Apple Corporation Huaweismartphonetechnology Foleys Peru communities settle scores with Christmas ritual fighting Musk's SpaceX wins Pentagon award for missile tracking satellites COAS-visit-Pakistan-cricket-team-dressing-room-SA Chinese currency leaks flagship U12 plus Afghan president urges Taliban to 'have courage' and silence guns physician piano mail register Zohra Afghan spin king Khan boosts Sussex's T20 Blast title hopes 'heads to roll' Jared-Tallent baulk Chelsea-stumble-again-at-Bournemouth-West-Ham-ease-relegation-fears Speaker Ayaz Sadiq speaks to the media crimeTransfers anti-France Military Police
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