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UAE's latest bet on tech: a ministry in the metaverse US Energy Information Administration. interest rate hikes current account Shah mahmood qureshi India's opposition to block parliament until PM resigns draws awe and ire governmentNever rescue plan PM Ashraf to appear before SC on Monday Faisal-Raza-Abidi-jail-14day-judicial-remand Kuwait-provide-financial-assistance-Pakistan-improve-health-sector importantObama Trump likely to order further withdrawals of troops from Afghanistan and Iraq US Capitol violence anti-Muslim riots Pictures of Adnan Sami's daughter Pradesh Karachi fire victims NASA-Mars-rover-launches-Florida -1' OR 3 400-400-1=0 0 0 1 or 'HEE49Hgy'=' Islamabadians lastmughalemperor meetingChina Wendy Swiss Ambassador Alia Bhatt’s gym trainer ZardariPPP contesting isolator claims 57 lives in Pakistan in 24 hours Disqualification reference against Zardari withdrawn on technical ground: Fawad electoral reforms Coalition parties fail to reach consensus on NBP President appointment Djokovic crushes Norrie scoured protestsTear Armed forces hideout courtIndia West-Ham-players-agree-to-defer-salaries'nvOpzp; AND 1=1 OR ( Gold-price-up-Rs700-to-Rs105' death toll reaches 17 sim Hwadar Syria-conflict-US-World REAX low-bloodcirculation Boxing talent from Quetta Seven injured as van overturns in Karachi WelureeDitsayabut Time'123
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