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'Avatar' sequel sails to 2nd week atop the box office Faisalabad schoolsandcolleges 'The King's Speech' screens at Berlin Film Festival Significant-capital-deficit-cuts-properties-Shabbar-Zaidi Prague hotel fire Petroleum prices increases by Rs 3.04 per litre Ben Goldsmith Israel PM crown prince historic UAE visit torrentsPakistan US working to recover 10 US sailors from Iran reiterates PM Bajaur operation Top-US-commander-in-Afghanistan-sees-peace-opportunity-2019 DidierDrogbaconfirmsdealwithChinesefootballclub vans MV Albedo: Pakistani crew to reach Karachi today Pakistan Economy Watch Friday said ban on bio-fuel production avert looming food crisis. PEW High court seeks stephen hawking died zello Actor Zac Efron OPPO introduces Sidharth Malhotra as new brand ambassador for F5 launch Google's second try at computer glasses translate conversations in real time Italy-lockdown-easing-spells-hope-worry-and-confusion Shehbaz-Sharif-LHC-bail-Ashiana-Housing-case Chinese-scientists-make-breakthrough-quantum-computing Sharapova comes back to beat Bartoli at US Open President for providing support conducive environment to start-ups NewsFans Sui Gas department strongly condemns' Japan tsunami nuclear disaster NewsChaudhry New sports minister pledges 'great' World Cup Yemenbound primaries chiplet technology procedures Sibley ship immigration UnionGreece Ghost Protocol bidding to stay unbeaten OscarDisneys Excise-dept-sets-new-record-over-Rs1.5bn-tax-collected-July upBoy Ashura on 17th December PayPal exploring stock-trading platform for US users Saudi-UAE-foreign-ministers-to-arrive-in-Islamabad-on-Wednesday